Making room in the freezer – Smoked Salmon 101

smoked salmon

With the ocean salmon season underway and Buoy 10 just around the corner, it is time to free up some space in the freezer.  How better to do that than with my #1 smoked salmon recipe?  This recipe has already been covered in my previous blog posts, you just need to search for it.  In short, this is the brine recipe;

7 Cups of brown sugar
2 Cups of salt (non-Iodized)
¼ Cup course black pepper
¼ Cup crushed red pepper – I bumped this up to 1/2 cup for a little extra kick
¼ Cup garlic salt

Award Winning Fish Alaska Challenge Smoked Salmon Recipe - Dry Rub

You then add 2 cups of Yoshida Teriyaki sauce to the top and let juice.

I let it juice for 18-24 hours then smoke for 6-8 hours.

Anyway, the batch turned out great as the picture shows.  Ate quite a bit and put some back in the freezer.  I know I said making room in the freezer, but smoked salmon takes up much less room.  Especially when half gets eaten before you can vac-u-seal it  🙂


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