2018 Ocean Salmon Season – Week 2

Here we go again.  🙂

6am start to launch by 8am and cross the bar at low tide.  We struggled this week.  On the positive side, after the bar crossing, the water was so calm I was able to cruise about 35 mph up to the first spot.  Got there in no time.

We tried up north where the carter boats were last week to find they have moved on.  There were only two other boats giving it a go up here.  We tried shallow and deep.  We spent a short time with no bites at various depths then moved on to the south.  Trolled around buoy 2 and managed to get one in the box.  Fished a little longer and released two more shorts.  After no bites for an hour, we decided to try back up in the crab fields.  No luck.  It was time to call it a day.  Again, no Coho.

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