2018 Ocean Salmon Season – Week 3


This was the week that persistence payed off for sure.

We decided to start this week where we got our one and only fish last week.  Not a single boat in the area.  Some people think if there are no boats, there must not be any fish.  I do not understand that reasoning.  I almost prefer to be where nobody is and make my own success.

Within minutes, my rod gets nailed and after a short fight, the first keeper coho is in the boat.  🙂

We continue along my path and another hit on my rod and another keeper coho in the boat.  This is turning out to be an incredible day for me.  This almost never happens.

Bait back in the water and another coho in the boat.  I am not sure what it is this week, but my rod is magic.  Hardly any other bites on the other rods at this point.  I think we got a short that was returned on another rod and maybe a couple of other drive bye’s.









I hate to be selfish, but when the gods smile on you, you have to take every advantage.  The coho finally arrived.  We finished the day with 5 nice coho in the boat, all from my rod.  It was a clinic.  🙂



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