2018 Ocean Salmon Season – Week 4.2

Rough Seas

Again, only three people in the boat.  The wind forecast was worse than the day before.  If we can find the fish and get off the water by 2pm, we should be good.

Started in my new favorite spot.  Lines in the water not even two minutes and we get hit.  Manage to get the fish next to the boat and before I can take a swipe at it with the net, it is gone.  🙁

Lines back in the water and a few minutes later, another hit.  This time, it is gone before it gets near the boat.  The water is pretty rough and could be playing a factor.  Time to loosen the drags.

We continue this for several passes and each pass, we get hit once or twice.  Nothing in the boat so far, but the action is great.

After the bite turns off in this location, we move to my #2 spot.  Cut the motors and just drift.  Before too long, we have one in the boat, release a couple natives and lose a few.  This is turning out to be a great weekend.

The winds are picking up and we still need five more fish in the boat.

We manage to get one more in the boat before we decide to call it a day.

The wind chop was so bad by this point, getting back to the bar was a slow crawl.  I love my pilot house.  Once we actually get the the bar, it was not bad to cross.

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