2018 Ocean Salmon Season – Week 7


Even though the ocean is closing after this Sunday, we jumped at the opportunity to fish the river with Hotline Guide Service LLC (Jason Berg).  It was a pleasure to take a break from being captain, just drink beer and watch the rod.  We have enough coho for now and were on the hunt for some big chinook heading up river.

The report from the day prior was no bites on the incoming tide then landed 3 for 6 after the tide change.  Regardless of the previous day report, we headed out early looking for that incoming tide bite.  Unfortunately, we did not find it.  The morning was pretty slow, but It was not long after the tide changed that we got the first two fish in the boat.  We attempted to chase the school up river.  Got into a couple more bites and ended up losing them.  It took us a while longer to find the fish again before we landed our third fish.  After a few more fish lost, it got to that time to call it a day.  I think we went 3 for 7 or 8.  Overall, it was a great day on the water with some great people.

Fish Killer

Fish Master Matt











Thank you Alex and Jason.

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