2019 Ocean Salmon Season – Week 4


The weather synopsis is not always 100% accurate. The ocean conditions on paper looked to be similar to the flat conditions we experienced last week. Reality was something a bit different. Crossing the bar was not too bad, but once outside, the water never layed down. We headed straight out West from the river till we started to spot boats on the horizon. We got our lines in quick hoping for that first drop in bite. Unfortunately, it did not happen this time. After a few minutes, we pulled the lines and headed out further west. We got into the thick of the fleet and dropped in. It was not too long, we got our first bite. It was a short chinook and had to be released. Almost immediately after the release, we got our second bite. This one was a very nice keeper coho. We had a few more drive byes before the bite turned off a little. At this time, the rough seas claimed its first victim on the Aquaholic. It was overboard chumming time. 🙂 We were far enough out now, we turned the boat toward shore and trolled with the wind and waves. This made for a better ride, but was not calm by a long way. Trying a couple different spots and different directions, we found the fish again. It was not long before we had our boat limit after some short biters, drive byes and one other short chinook. Today was a good day. We were off the water by noon heading home with the boat this week. It needed to be fueled up and the grass pressure washed of the bottom. Next week is the Buoy 10 opening weekend and we will be ready.

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