Something was Missing


The stars and moon were in alignment. The tide was just right. No wind, not even a ripple on the water. We launched and had lines in the water just before sunrise. There was a light fog hovering just over the water. The water temp was a cool 46.4 degrees. The air temp was about freezing. Everything suggested we were going to catch a springer today. Something was missing though, the springers. 🙂

It turned out to be an awesome day on the water, less the catching fish part. After the sun came up, it started to warm up pretty fast. We made a few runs here and there before we decided this boat shakedown was long enough. We called it before noon. I did discover I have a couple repairs to do after the long winter. My wash down pump was not working and my dock lights would not illuminate. Hopefully just a little corrosion to clean up and we will be back to full functionality.

As excited as I am, it is a little early for springers. I believe our earliest was March 4th. We will continue the hunt and keep you informed.

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