Early Boat Limits

Early Boat Limits

Who does not like an early boat limit of nice sized coho? People who fish like fishing, but they do not necessarily want to spend all day doing it unless they are just out to catch and release. This was not one of those days.

We pulled away from the dock just after 7am. Executed a quick stop at the bait dock on the way out. It was an outgoing tide, but not a huge tide change. The bar was relatively calm. We got just outside of the south jetty and dropped our lines. We spotted a boat next to us with a net out and within minutes, we had our first fish on. It was a nice sized coho and a keeper to boot. Not much longer, we were getting bites and more fish in the boat. We could see the bulk of the fleet on the horizon as we were trolling toward them. We had our limit well before we got to them. By 10:30, we were on our way back to the dock with our boat limit. The tide was still going out. 🙂

The early coho fishing this year has been great for a number of anglers so far. I really hope they do not decide to close the ocean like they did last year.

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