NW Outdoor Explorer

Fishing and Outdoor

August 13, 2018 | Tony Schaffran

2018 Ocean Salmon Season – Week 7

Even though the ocean is closing after this Sunday, we jumped at the opportunity to fish the river with Hotline Guide Service LLC (Jason Berg).  It was a pleasure to take a break from being captain, just drink beer and watch the rod.  We have enough coho for now and were on the hunt for some big chinook heading up river.

The report from the day prior was no bites on the incoming tide then landed 3 for 6 after the tide change.  Regardless of the previous day report, we headed out early looking for that incoming tide bite.  Unfortunately, we did not find it.  The morning was pretty slow, but It was not long after the tide changed that we got the first two fish in the boat.  We attempted to chase the school up river.  Got into a couple more bites and ended up losing them.  It took us a while longer to find the fish again before we landed our third fish.  After a few more fish lost, it got to that time to call it a day.  I think we went 3 for 7 or 8.  Overall, it was a great day on the water with some great people.

Fish Killer

Fish Master Matt











Thank you Alex and Jason.

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August 13, 2018 | Tony Schaffran

2018 Ocean Salmon Season – Week 6

This was the best day of fishing so far.

Crossed the bar a little late.  I think it was about 0830.  A good hour after the tide change.

On our way out, we started seeing boats returning from the ocean.  Holy crap, did we miss the bite????

Our plan was to head north, but with several boats returning from the buoy line, we decided to see if we can still make something happen from where they were.  Good thing we did, because it was pretty much lights out from the moment we dropped our lines in the water.  We mush have caught 25-30 fish before we got our boat limit of 8 fish.  Less that 3 hours and we were done.  The only unfortunate thing was no Chinook.  It was a coho rodeo for sure.

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first salmon of 2018
August 9, 2018 | Tony Schaffran

2018 Ocean Salmon Season – Week 5.2

Another back to back weekend.  With the projections so grim, I am trying to take every opportunity I can to get out on the water and stake my claim before my upcoming week long buoy 10 trip.

Today, much of my regular crew could not make it opening up seats for a backup crew member and someone new I just met.  It is always a pleasure to get someone new out with us when we can.  They usually bring some good luck.

We crossed the bar at the end of the outgoing and it was a bit rough.  On top of that, it was a bit foggy and visibility was low.  Did not quite need the radar, but it was in standby just in case.

We started out to the North.  After a couple crossed lines and getting our bearings, it was game on.  The new guy brings one in the boat.  I will take a little of the new guy luck anytime.  🙂

We continued the troll for a bit.  Found a nice rip and followed it out to deeper water.  Had a couple more bites, lost some and tossed back some natives.  The fog started to lift and we found ourselves in the middle of the charter fleet and about 150 or so other boats.  It was crazy how we all migrated to the same spot.  We watched 4 or 5 nets fly around us.  We could not manage to get another bite.  The odds were not in our favor.  It was time to move.

The ocean was pretty flat and I was able to cruise again near top speed to my special spot.  Dropped lines in the water and immediately started to get bites.  Some more natives had to be released.  We did finally manage to get our second fish in the boat.

We were seeing pretty good action, but not many keepers to be had.  We finished the day with just the two keepers.  These two keepers happened to be the first salmon of 2018 for these two guys.  That made my day.

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July 31, 2018 | Tony Schaffran

2018 Ocean Salmon Season – Week 5.1

The action continues.

The bar was a breeze and the ocean was almost a lake.  Cruising speed was 30+ mph.

This week, my first mate was finally able to get out on the ocean with us.  She needs to reclaim her status.  🙂

Unfortunately, this trip, my first mate was not the first to catch a fish.  That title went to another crewmen.  He has been on a roll this year after he went back to basics with his presentation.  So far, he has been catching fish every time out with us, earning his seat for sure.

We continued in this spot for a couple hours while we were catching several fish, many of which were natives that had to be released.  My first mate did manage to get the second fish.  Now she is on the hunt for the biggest fish.  This may prove to be a challenge as another crewmen pulled in a 20 lb Chinook.


Monster Chinook










We moved to our next spot where the ocean was a little bit rough.  My first mate lost her sea legs and was not feeling well.  I told her to take the wheel and I will watch the rod.  Lucky me because not long after, I got a nice take down.  The end result was one of the nicest Coho I have encountered.  It was almost as big as that monster Chinook already in the bag.

After a few more natives, we called it a day.  Only 4 in the boat, but it was a great day catching fish.

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Rough Seas
July 26, 2018 | Tony Schaffran

2018 Ocean Salmon Season – Week 4.2

Again, only three people in the boat.  The wind forecast was worse than the day before.  If we can find the fish and get off the water by 2pm, we should be good.

Started in my new favorite spot.  Lines in the water not even two minutes and we get hit.  Manage to get the fish next to the boat and before I can take a swipe at it with the net, it is gone.  🙁

Lines back in the water and a few minutes later, another hit.  This time, it is gone before it gets near the boat.  The water is pretty rough and could be playing a factor.  Time to loosen the drags.

We continue this for several passes and each pass, we get hit once or twice.  Nothing in the boat so far, but the action is great.

After the bite turns off in this location, we move to my #2 spot.  Cut the motors and just drift.  Before too long, we have one in the boat, release a couple natives and lose a few.  This is turning out to be a great weekend.

The winds are picking up and we still need five more fish in the boat.

We manage to get one more in the boat before we decide to call it a day.

The wind chop was so bad by this point, getting back to the bar was a slow crawl.  I love my pilot house.  Once we actually get the the bar, it was not bad to cross.

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Chinook Salmon
July 25, 2018 | Tony Schaffran

2018 Ocean Salmon Season – Week 4.1

This week, we are a man down.  Only 3 people in the boat this day.  If we can find the fish, it should be a short day.  🙂

Well, it took us a while to find the fish, but once we did, it was lights out.  The fish were basically following the boat.  We were fishing 18′-20′ on the line counters.  The current allowed us to cut the motors and just drift.  One fish after another.  Some keepers, some native and some short.  We used almost all the bait and finished the day with 5 coho keepers and 1 very nice Chinook.


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July 23, 2018 | Tony Schaffran

2018 Ocean Salmon Season – Week 3

This was the week that persistence payed off for sure.

We decided to start this week where we got our one and only fish last week.  Not a single boat in the area.  Some people think if there are no boats, there must not be any fish.  I do not understand that reasoning.  I almost prefer to be where nobody is and make my own success.

Within minutes, my rod gets nailed and after a short fight, the first keeper coho is in the boat.  🙂

We continue along my path and another hit on my rod and another keeper coho in the boat.  This is turning out to be an incredible day for me.  This almost never happens.

Bait back in the water and another coho in the boat.  I am not sure what it is this week, but my rod is magic.  Hardly any other bites on the other rods at this point.  I think we got a short that was returned on another rod and maybe a couple of other drive bye’s.









I hate to be selfish, but when the gods smile on you, you have to take every advantage.  The coho finally arrived.  We finished the day with 5 nice coho in the boat, all from my rod.  It was a clinic.  🙂



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July 20, 2018 | Tony Schaffran

2018 Ocean Salmon Season – Week 2

Here we go again.  🙂

6am start to launch by 8am and cross the bar at low tide.  We struggled this week.  On the positive side, after the bar crossing, the water was so calm I was able to cruise about 35 mph up to the first spot.  Got there in no time.

We tried up north where the carter boats were last week to find they have moved on.  There were only two other boats giving it a go up here.  We tried shallow and deep.  We spent a short time with no bites at various depths then moved on to the south.  Trolled around buoy 2 and managed to get one in the box.  Fished a little longer and released two more shorts.  After no bites for an hour, we decided to try back up in the crab fields.  No luck.  It was time to call it a day.  Again, no Coho.

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smoked salmon
July 18, 2018 | Tony Schaffran

Making room in the freezer – Smoked Salmon 101

With the ocean salmon season underway and Buoy 10 just around the corner, it is time to free up some space in the freezer.  How better to do that than with my #1 smoked salmon recipe?  This recipe has already been covered in my previous blog posts, you just need to search for it.  In short, this is the brine recipe;

7 Cups of brown sugar
2 Cups of salt (non-Iodized)
¼ Cup course black pepper
¼ Cup crushed red pepper – I bumped this up to 1/2 cup for a little extra kick
¼ Cup garlic salt

Award Winning Fish Alaska Challenge Smoked Salmon Recipe - Dry Rub

You then add 2 cups of Yoshida Teriyaki sauce to the top and let juice.

I let it juice for 18-24 hours then smoke for 6-8 hours.

Anyway, the batch turned out great as the picture shows.  Ate quite a bit and put some back in the freezer.  I know I said making room in the freezer, but smoked salmon takes up much less room.  Especially when half gets eaten before you can vac-u-seal it  🙂


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Chinook Jack
July 17, 2018 | Tony Schaffran

2018 Ocean Salmon Season – Week 1

June 23rd, Ocean Salmon Opener.  I have been waiting for this day since the end of Buoy 10 last year.

I have a slip in Ilwaco, but not using it just yet because I have river plans for the 4th of July.  I will be trailering for a couple weeks.

We got an early start.  Hit the road at 6am to launch by 8am and cross the bar at low tide.  Got our beer, bait and ice.  We even plan to do some crabbing to see if any stragglers are still hanging out.  Heading out, there is a slight breeze.  The swells were not terrible.  That is, till we pass buoy 10.  The confused seas were evident.  This is what my boat was made for.  We pushed on.  Once we got a little north and in about 50 FOW, we start dropping pots.  We put out 9 pots with hopes of a big bounty.

The water looked fishy, so it was time to put the lines in the water.  It did not take long and Fred was on the board with a nice Chinook.  We stuck it out there for a couple of hours with no success.  It was time to push North to the Condo’s.  The wind chop was not terrible, but not great either.  It took us a little wile to get to where we wanted to be.  We found a few charter boats doing their circles, so we fell in line.  Not long again, we are starting to get bites.  Over the next couple of hours, we land two more Chinook and released a few small Chinook.  With the doom and gloom fishing reports, this was not a bad ocean opener.  We did not see any Coho.










Time to pull pots and head in.  Sad to say, most of the pots were small females.  We did manage to get 6 nice sized keepers.  All my crew went home with something that day.  I did not.  🙁

dungenous crab










Till next week…….

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